Free Repair Estimate for Electronics in Springfield Township, NJ

Free Repair Estimate

Professional repair services are just a few clicks away! To receive a free, no-commitment repair estimate on your broken device, follow the directions below.

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All CPR Stores are independently owned and operated and may not offer all of the repair and warranty types listed on this website. Contact your local store for their specific repair capabilities and warranty terms. All product and company names are trademarks of their respective holders. iPhone, iPad, iPod, iPod touch, Mac and iMac are registered trademarks and property of Apple, Inc. CPR is a third-party repair company and is not affiliated with Apple.

©2019 CPR® Cell Phone Repair. All Rights Reserved.

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Check Your Repair Status

Checking the status of your repair is quick and easy at CPR Cell Phone Repair! Simply complete the form below to see the status of your device.

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You may find Ticket ID on your receipt, or in your email confirmation if you opted to receive one. If you cannot find your Ticket ID, please call our store at 973-467-2771